Convection is a powerful thing. As parents, we have looked at why we even do "Santa." For us it was because it's fun for them. Why is it okay to think it's fun to lie to our children and watch our children so trustingly believe that there is a man in a red suit who gives gifts according to behavior. Santa knows if they have been naughty or nice.
We teach them that he is the spirit of giving, love, and good will. He has become the face of what Christmas is all about. The world exalts him. We have feed this lie to our children and tell them not to lie. Doesn't this strike you as odd? Proverbs 12:22 states that the "Lord detests lying lips, but delights in people that are trustworthy." (one of many scriptures on lying) Why do we embrace this and justify it as harmless, fun, and innocent?
Convection is powerful and as Christian parents we have decided to no longer teach our children this Santa myth. They need to know and understand that ONLY GOD is all knowing. ONLY GOD sees our hearts and deeds. Love, giving, and good will are taught through His word.
Christmas is not about how much will Santa bring me. Good behavior is not meant to be encouraged by what you will receive. Isn't it "better to give than receive?" Shouldn't we be motivate by the Biblical examples we have and what God has revealed to us through his word?
We ask our children to believe in Jesus whom they can't see, and then ask them to believe in Santa whom they can't see either. When they find out that Santa isn't real will they begin to question if Jesus is real and if their parents are trustworthy? Why should we share the celebration of our Saviors birth with anything else? He deserve the full spotlight.
I really feel like God finds it is displeasing to continue to embrace "Santa" as a part of Christmas. He continually blesses our family even though we fall so terribly short. One of the most important parts of our faith, Christs birth and time here on earth, needs to be emphasized.
I'm sure that some may read all of this and find it offensive. Before you get upset with us, just take a moment to pray and examine Christmas, it's intent, and how you celebrate it. Also, know that we are so very far from being Christlike and raising our children as these perfect little Christians leaders, but we are trying. We take one step at a time and are thankful that God reveals our sins to us and grants us wisdom generously when we ask.
Goodbye Santa and Hello to Christs Birth!
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
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