This child is obsessed with singing. We have listened to his little choir CD at least 467 times! It is very cute to hear him sing it. He tries to add vibrato to his voice and it is totally hilarious. We have had to work on the words. He thinks "Jeshus Christ is Ord!"
This is him signing at church. (Horrible pictures. I'm going to have to sit closer to stage next time.) Not a shy bone in his body. Of course he gets to see Daddy sing on stage and his main goal in life is to be JUST like Daddy. He has started tucking in his shirts, like Daddy. Wanting to wear a belt, like Daddy (and it doesn't matter if there are no belt loops). Wanting to sleep in his underwear, like Daddy (too much information?). He mimics his movements at the table, and is by his side with any and all household projects. He even eats the same foods as Daddy (that is a very limited palate - sorry honey). He often expresses his desire to be just like Daddy.
Then, there is my little Ben, who wants to be like Mommy. He He. I'm afraid that soon Ben will follow suite and be in Daddy world....and then Jack. I realize that this is a good thing. The whole development for manhood or whatever, but I would like to have a little girl aspiring after me too!!! Hmmm, that sounds a little like a tantrum....darn those hormones.
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