Mean Dragon died. Christian said he flew up in the air and died. (I was shamefully thrilled to pieces) I tried to act sorrowful, but not too sorrowful. "So, does this mean that there is no more Mean Dragon?" I asked. "Yes, he is dead" he replied in a very matter of fact tone. I was so thankful on the inside. The whole imaginary friend thing is still out of my realm of understanding. We dropped the subject, and finished breakfast. Then Ben pipes in "Well, I have a Mean Dragon!" (AHHHHHH NOOOOO - NOT YOU TOOO) "Really Ben? Are you sure about that?" And he replies with the same matter of fact tone as his brother "Yep!"
Mean Dragon just won't go away. Christian's mean dragon has made a miraculous recovery. I was quick to remind him that mean dragon did die last week. (Is that too harsh) Then he proceeded to tell me about how the doctors came and fixed him up and now he is "all better now" and I just couldn't argue. Great, so now both of my boys have a Mean Dragon.
They have started blaming their accidents on those stinking dragons. "So, tell me again how you broke this?" And of course it is always Mean Dragons fault. I have explained over and over again that neither of their Mean Dragons are capable of these acts because they are pretend and can't actually cause things to happen and how important it is for them to take responsibly for their actions, blah, blah, blah. They both agree that he is pretend but still insist that it wasn't their fault.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
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