One for the baby book:
Different stuff is going on with my taste buds this pregnancy. I am highly addicted to toothpaste. I mean -LOVE IT! I was just telling Aaron the other night (while brushing) how wonderful it tastes and that I truly believe that I could eat it. I have only refrained because of certain health issues that may arise from doing so, but man that stuff is good. So good that when I wake up in the middle of the night, as I often do, then I just go ahead and brush my teethe - very strange, I know.
One more thing; thank you so much Kari for leaving your body wash last time you were here for a visit. No, I will not mail it back to you. Actually, I will never give it back. Sorry, but no. I just can't. It smells soooooo good. I hope you understand. The aroma fills the shower and I just can't get out. I hold the puff up to my nose and just breath deep meditating breaths over this stuff. Again, this may not be healthy and I'm thankful that the ultra sound doesn't show an arm coming out of Jack's head. All of you may be wanting to know what brand it is and where to find it: you don't have to go far. Check out your local DOLLAR GENERAL and look for Zest. Not the bar of soap, but the body wash. Not a single organic thing about it, but it is GREAT!!!!
And yes, I realize how strange it is that I just posted passionately about toothpaste and body wash, but I don't want to forget these little quirks after all is said and done.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
i love this post!! i can just hear you talking. gonna try to call you this week!!! lotso love, jennifer
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