This was my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner. A new recipe and oh it was yum. I could only have a microscopic piece, so this is on the top of my list of things to make after the baby arrives. I didn't take ANY pictures of Thanksgiving dinner, family, I only took this picture because I had to sit in the car and drool over it for the two hour drive to Beth's house. Don't worry, I wiped the drool off of it when we pulled into the drive.
On the way there Christian was staring at it and thinking awfully hard. I believe it was torture for him too.
Christian: Mom, is that MY cake? I want to eat all of it!
Me: It is yours, along with Mommy, Daddy, Ben, Big Poppa, Momma, Beth, Aunt Kari, Uncle Josh, Aunt Barb, and Cousins Bryson and Skylar. You have to share it, honey.
(I could tell by his expression that my answer was very disappointing to him and there was a pause)
Christian: Well. (huff and pause) I sure hope they don't like it....
(We all laughed, perhaps this would have been a good time to correct him but we just laughed instead)
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