Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Glenn Miller Concert

Whoa!!! Who is that huge pregnant lady with my family???!!!!!

We made a last minute decision to go to a concert about 1 hour away and take the kiddos. Spontaneity is hard with kids BUT we did it anyway! It was really great, and we were REALLY under dressed. We sat in the very top seats with some friends and there was hardly anyone around so the children got to dance and play during the concert. The performance was by the Airmen of Note band and they were so awesome. I'm not a huge fan of Glenn Miller music but I understands and appreciate it's history. I think we need to make this a traditional outing. One exception, next time we will be dressed to the hilt too! Every girl loves to put on a gown, right?

(The pictures didn't turn out very well at all, but you get the idea.)