Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Welcome Parker Dean Shelnutt


 Take a seat and relax.  There is much to say here. First, we had not planned this sweet blessing but are grateful that our Savior choose us to parent this little person.  

It took us about 8 months to agree on a name.  Max was a popular choice for the first 6 months. Then, one night as I was trying to relax (hard when big and swollen) baby "Max" was kicking and tumbling within. In a small moment of frustration I said "Oh, cut it out Maxipad" and that's all she wrote. Aaron was completely horrified that I called our son that and was convinced that if his own mother could say such things then the world will do much worse.  Wow, serious lapse of judgement on my part. From then on, Max was a no go and we were back to square 1. 

Dawn, a sweet friend, came up with a game at my first baby shower.  All the ladies wrote down names on a piece of paper and put them together for me to draw one. Although I wasn't fond of the first one drawn I continue to read the rest of the names.  I came across "Parker" and loved it. Even Aaron loved it and so it was.  We had a little Parker coming soon.

Due to previous c-section deliveries Parker was scheduled to arrive via c-section.  My water broke 4 hours before the scheduled surgery.  Aaron drove me to the hospital and I was in a great amount of pain. They proceeded with a spinal tap and the operation.  Unfortunately I was not thoroughly numb and quickly found out mid-procedure. Things went downhill in a hurry and they had to knock me out. It was a terrible experience but Parker came out as healthy as he could be weighing 8lbs, and 14oz. Aaron and I were both pretty unsettled with how things transpired, but quickly overcome with joy at the sight of our new darling boy.