Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Friday, April 25, 2014


Christmas was a blur. All 3 kiddos had just recovered from the flu in time for Aaron and I to be down and out with it on Christmas day. Let me tell you something - The FLU IS HORRIBLE.  We had to go out of town unexpectedly the week before Christmas and so nothing was wrapped or assembled.  We drove home 12 hours on Christmas eve (with the flu), stayed up to wrap gifts and put together toys all while feeling completely horrific. It is only by the Grace of God that we made it through.  If only our children knew what we went through.... I had imagined a time of Christmas music, hot coco, reading, a cozy home, the smell of cookies and cinnamon, smiles, laughs....completely the opposite. Completely. We said Happy Birthday Jesus and then took turns sleeping and watching children in a vegetated state.