This is a milestone for every child, and I'm glad it's out of the way! Both boys can now ride a bike without training wheels! Yippee! They are very excited and proud to do so. It never even occurred to me to try with them this young, but I guess that's what Daddys are for! Aaron worked with them for about a week everyday when he got home from work. It started out slow.
Christian, age 4: didn't want to fall or go fast. I think his delima was just getting him to keep pedaling. As soon as he felt like he was going too fast or too far he would stop, and fall. Then he didn't want to turn. That took some work.... Once he practiced enough and got his confidence built up, he was great! Aaron showed him how to start and stop on his own, turn, steer....everything. You could tell by the look on his face that he felt accomplished. I am very proud of him, and appreciate his cautious side. He is growing up to be such a wonderful little boy.
Ben, age 3: wanted to go fast and didn't care where he ended up. This was a little scary. Ben was trying to get on his bike and pedal before he even knew how. As soon as he started, he was wide open, and running into trash cans, cars, shrubs, and at one point he turned the corner and went half a block with Aaron running after him. Aaron told him that he had to pedal to stay up on his bike, and he apparently took that very seriously. He can now stop well, but still struggles to get going sometimes. His steering has improved by leaps and bounds! It's just a task to get him to watch were he is going. I am equally proud of him, and impressed that he can do so well at such an early age. For Ben, everything is possible, and he is invincible.
I think that these same character traits will also be reflected in teaching them how to drive a car, boat, four wheeler, tractor....and anything else with wheels or a motor.
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