Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camping Trip

Daddy (Uncle Aaron) sure is fun!

Aaron and Josh really wanted Mark to break their bones. Thank you Mark for not killing them on this thing!

The kids did this ever single day they were there. The "Poparazzi" is what it's called. We still have discussions about the Poparazzi. They had so much fun on it! So did I!

What a little trooper he is! This sweet man barely whimpered the whole time. Actually the only time he cried is when he had to wear his life jacket.

Kari gave the guys a spin on the merry-go-round. What a site. They were all quite nauseous afterward. Do you remember being able to do this as a kid for hours.....
The kids loved it but Ben and Westin were falling off. A little too much G-Force for them!

Jack in this most irritating safety vest. Oh, he so disliked it.

The guys were fishing at the end of the dock. Our tent was set up just a few feet from where I took this picture. We really looooved this campground.

Look at all of those bumps and bruises - just the way a little boys legs should look!

Uncle Josh got a good laugh out of Jack.

Silly boys!

I was pretty leniant on what the kids ate/drank during our time there. This is Ben, drinking Red-40. (We avoid this as much as possible at home)

Ben belching after drinking Red-40.

Ben thinks he is cute when he belches.

This is the aftermath of Red-40. A little excited. Could he smile ANY bigger?

So, we went camping with the Driver's and the Graham's. It was great! We all had a good time. I'm not going to get into a lot of detail because the pictures pretty much sum it up. I think we all agreed that we need to do it again next year at the same place-Wind Creek State Park.