I wouldn't have believed it if you told me that five little boys can fit in a sand box and still have enough space to play with the sand!

Our bridge just down the road is under construction. The boys were fascinated with it so we walked down there to get a closer look.

...there's our look.

...and a closer look. I don't know any little boy who can look at a stream and keep from throwing rocks in it. Thankfully, due to the construction, there were plenty of HUGE rocks to choose from. We also had a nice selection of broken glass, re-bar and other various metal scraps at our fingertips. No stress. No stress at all.

Are Wednesday nights hard for anyone else? To get my three children to Church on time is a task. Oh, but to get 5 boys to Church on time is a feat. Everyone was clean and had full tummies. I got them all loaded in my car, hopped in, and surprise - DEAD BATTERY! Argh! We all got outand waited on Aaron to get home to assist. Everyone helped push the car within jumper cable reach of another vehicle. We missed Church completely and ended up playing baseball in the front yard instead.

As I had mentioned before in a previous post, my nephews school was destroyed and so they came to stay with us for a week. Also, they didn't have a gift for their Mom for Mothers Day. We decided to make stepping stones. I think she liked them. We tried to use the ones our two boys made in one of the flower beds but they broke. Some stepping stones those turned out to be!!! Kari, I hope yours didn't break. You probably have yours stashed away in a memorabilia box somewhere...I should have done the same.
The week went really well. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect with 5 boys, but they were all really good. Now I know that I can handle 5 children if the Lord sees fit (although I selfishly hope he does NOT see fit).
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