Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Splash Pad

Something I love about my sister-in-law; she is great at last minute stuff.  I can call her up and spring something on her and she is all on board. I on the other hand, don't always respond well to last minute plans.  Actually, that is probably understated.  My husband would laugh at how causally that sounds "don't respond well." Moving on, so Kari was all about hanging out in Gardendale with the kiddos to let them run and play.  These cousins adore each other.  It is so sweet.  They played between the play ground (dry and hot) and the splash pad (wet and cool).  They must have ran between the two at least 400 times.  Thanks Kari for meeting up with me.  I will call you again for a last minute play date soon!