Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

CAP End of the Year Program

 I LOVE THIS ART DISPLAY!  So stinkin' cute!

 Christian is the night in the middle.  :)  He was representing Europe.  Its the only think I could think of as far a costume goes. 
 Ben is the cowboy with the plaid shirt and red bandana around his neck.  He was representing North America.  I couldn't find our Indian stuff.

Not the greatest picture, but its rare for all of us to be in a picture together.  Definitely worth posting.

We love our co-op school, CAP. It rocks and it suites our family well. Glad to have been a part of it and looking forward to next year!

Just a little side note: everyone keeps asking me how my first year of homeschooling went and how the kids did.  My usual response was that it went really well, but it's kindergarten!  Haha!  Kindergarten is just plain fun!  So, perhaps when I am asked how homeschooling is going at the end of first grade or even perhaps in a couple of years, my answer may vary.  Seriously, I have enjoyed it.  I have especially enjoyed the quality time I get with the children.  Sometimes it's hard to slow down and get that time without planning it.  Homeschooling has not only kept me accountable in doing so, but I have watched the children grow in their knowledge of Christ.  They challenge me to do the same. Also, I enjoy watching their thought process, and understanding them better.  Good stuff.