A quick update on our Jack-A-Roni. I am smiling from ear to ear while writing this. I can not stress enough what a great baby he is. He is walking now, and I can't remember if I have mentioned that already. Started walking at 15 months. He says lots of things: bye-bye, hi, Dada, Mom or Momma, dog, up, look, book, more, tickle tickle tickle (usually while showing us his belly button), and probably more that I am forgetting. He is still adored by his brothers, especially Christian. He has been sick maybe twice since birth. He loves to swim, but doesn't care for his bath. He enjoys sneaking upstairs and playing in his brothers room along with playing chase and the back yard sandbox. I think one of the water/sand play stations would be right up his alley. He is a screamer when he doesn't get his way, and does throw himself on the floor during a fit. I am laughing on the inside, but don't allow him to get away with it. He eats almost everything I put in front of him, and tries to eat with a fork, but still struggles. His favorite food is probably yogurt. He has panic attacks when he sees it. We are all entertained by him and are enjoying watching him grow up.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
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