This little tiny human can really get me in a tizzy.I marvel at my children and how different their personalities are and how they are both so completely wonderful in their own way. My friend made a comment once about her son that is very strong willed. I don't remember her exact words, but it was something along the lines of trying to make sure that she directs him on the right path to keep him from ending up in jail somewhere. If you knew this Mom, then you would find that very comical to hear her say considering her husband is a Pastor of a local church and their children can like recite scriptures! This little one of mine has much of the same personality. That super strong will that can absolutely exhaust any mother and push her to her wits end! That's where I'm at. The end. In some respect I can take part of the blame because I have failed with consistent discipline. It is so draining to have to discipline him around the clock. Seriously, that's what he needs. I am also writing this to document a new beginning if it's not too late. From now on I am going to be as consistent as I can possibly be, and raise my expectations of what this little boy is truly capable of. Smart he is, but I am smarter. For those of you that see or speak with me on a daily basis, I am going to ask you to hold me accountable. Something must happen before I raise a little holy terror.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
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