A video will be coming soon, but for now here are some pictures.
Christian and Ben participated in a Talent Show Fund Raiser at their co-op school. Aaron and I came up with an illusionist act. A simple trick followed by a disappearing act. It was so much fun to teach the boys about stage presence and work with them on their lines. I was impressed with them and their boldness to get on stage and perform. They were smooth little fellas! I was a little apprehensive. I felt like they were too young to do this themselves, but they amazed me! A friend of ours recorded the whole thing and I have GOT TO GET a copy and put it on here for everyone to see!
A little side note: I made their costumes, no pattern, no direction....it took forever! There were tired of Mommy asking them to try it on, and tired of getting stuck with pins!!! Haha! Next time, Beth, you are going to come down and assist. What I really mean is I will assist you!
Just a note: these boys stole the show!
Thanks Gwen! They enjoyed it so much more than I had expected!
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