Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, March 24, 2012


(The raw steel was a bad choice - lots of fingerprints. Also, should have chosen a different color scheme; I forgot that the wall was the color of a terracotta pot!)

I just start cracking up looking at these pictures, and reflecting on my last two weeks of implementing them. Many things to be learned from a chore chart, on both sides. It has been fun...for the first week. My boys were super energized and over enthusiastic about having a cool chart with their name on them. Christian especially loved the organized fashion of the design and being in charge of certain tasks along with the sense of accomplishment. It's heavenly for him. He is a real work horse and still wakes to check his chart and set his goals for the day. He also will take it upon himself to oversee the chores that Ben has not yet completed, and that doesn't go over very well.

Just yesterday Ben asked with a dramatic shrug, slumped shoulders, big frown and a definite whine in his tone "Maauuummmm, why did you make this chore chart? Why Mom, why?" On the inside I was laughing. These are my two oldest boys, night and day in everything they do. Ben is not one for responsibility. He is carefree and messy. He goes about his day leaving a trail of crumbs, toys, clothes, liquids, garbage... He changes clothes about 3x a day (leaves all of it on the floor) and usually wears whatever is the most contrary to the current climate. Shoes ALWAYS get put on the wrong feet as if it were intentional. So, as you can see, the chart is torture for him because it represents everything he is opposed to. It goes against his very nature, but it is good. It is good for him to learn how to serve others, be responsible, organized, and follow direction.

There are also a few chores that are considered "Extras." If they have finished their normal task and would like to earn some money they are able to take on an "Extra" in which case they are paid 1 penny. Yes, I know that isn't a lot, but they are only 4 and 5 years old. A penny is a treasure to them and it is meant more for motivating them, and helping them keep track of/count money. Once they accomplish this, I'll give them a raise! :)


Jennifer said...

these are so adorable. were they difficult to make? expensive? i know you have a connection with labels... :-)

Amber's Thoughts said...

They were free Jennifer! :) I designed and printed the labels on our machines along with the decals. The magnets I found in the attic in a deserted craft box. Oh, and we just happened to have some raw sheet metal lying around. Score!!!!!

Amber's Thoughts said...

They were free Jennifer! :) I designed and printed the labels on our machines along with the decals. The magnets I found in the attic in a deserted craft box. Oh, and we just happened to have some raw sheet metal lying around. Score!!!!!