We have been looking for a dog for sometime now, and didn't want to fork up a lot of dough nor could we come to a meeting of the minds as to what breed would suit our family. Then, Lucy showed up. I believe God put her in our lives. She walked right up, abandoned by her owner I later found out, and as cute as could be. Obviously not a pure bred, but she suited us. The vet did confirm that she is 3 of many things; retriever, great pyrenees, and pit bull. The rest is a mystery. She has been one of the best puppies we have ever had, what a relief, and a sweet blessing. The boys love her, and she has really taken to them. It's been a while since I've had to deal with dog hair, but she's worth it....for now. I'm sure I will post something about her in the days to come and ramble on about how she is horrible and I'm going to let my husband shoot her! Ha!
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