Tonight as I was tucking him in he exclaimed to me how he wanted to be just like Christian. He says this often although sometimes it's Aaron or I instead. Very sweet, BUT Ben is great too. Let me tell you why it's great to be Ben;
Ben is a happy guy. Smiling most often and always offering hugs and kisses. This is how he has been since day 1.
A great encourager. Telling me how good of a cook I am, how beautiful I am, how great his brother is a t-ball, tell Daddy that he is the best Daddy ever...I could go on and on...
Giving. He is willing to let his brother play with anything he has disregarding previous conflicts.
Captivating. He has a way about him that grants him favor in most situations. I can't quite put my finger on it but its amazing to watch others respond to him.
Outgoing. Enjoys conversation with strangers, and loves friends. He is always the first to speak to a stranger in the grocery store, followed by telling them his whole life story. Very funny to watch since his speech is still unclear at times, but he doesn't miss a beat.
Energized. Not because he is 4, but because he really is energized. Always engaged is something, and he is constantly talking or moving until bedtime and then he practically passes out. Oh, and he like to sleep in. Not a morning person.
Intelligent. Since I am homeschooling I get to see this first hand. He is sharp as a whip. Focusing is not his thing, but he normally gets it the first go around, and then gets bored with repetition. There are times that he notices the hard to notice. He definitely throws me for a loop!
Happy Birthday Ben. Don't forget, it's good to be Ben. You are wonderfully made.
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