Group picture

Oh my goodness! This ladder was so high! I could feel my chest tighten at the thought of climbing it. Gasp! Then, at the
children's request, the fire chief climbed it. You would have thought he would wear a harness (and attach himself to the ladder as he went up) but
NOOO! Just a
stinkin' helmet! A lot of good that will do you when you go splat!

This was MY favorite part. All of the children listened closely as a kind fireman explained to them the dangers of fire and what to do in case of a fire. Then, they got to act it out. They filled the trailer full of smoke (pretend) and had the kids crawl through and went out the back door. Cool, huh?! Then they went to the meeting place; a mailbox.
After the field trip was over and we were all in the car this is what Ben said (keep in mind he has just received a thorough explanation of fire and fire safety, and listen surprisingly close. I was watching.)
"Mommy, if I see a fire do you know what I'll do? I won't turn around and run. I will go into the fire and fight it!" (With such enthusiasm on his face too! - did he listen at all? Lord, please bless Ben with a boring office job,please...)

He is so ready to be a fire fighter!!!
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