Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brrrrrr It's Cold

Sooner or later, all of the colors begin to look the same. Mixing is fun, but those are some nastly looking paints.

We are working on taking better care of our brushes, so all of them don't look like this.


Favorite past time.

The last pretty day before the cold snap. Aaron was fixing his truck so that we could have some fun in the ice/snow (that never came). Of course the boys were right there ready and willing to help. They were so cute, and Aaron is so patient.

Just clowning around.

They have figured out how to climb their way up the door frames, thanks to encouragement from a friend. We do have some rules in our house, despite how it may seem. While they may be allowed to climb the walls they aren't allowed to jump on their beds/furniture - it always ends bloody OR we end up in the emergency room. The door frame climbing is a new thing, and so far no damage to them or our home.

It's VERY cold outside right now, and it has been for the last week. The kids and I are a little stir crazy. I am so so so pregnant and finding it difficult to pack them up and take them out and about. We tried it the other day, and literally every place we went to I had to drag them to the dreaded public restroom no matter how clean or dirty - Mommy had to go, so they had to go. We have been doing lots of inside activities.

Momma Beth purchased a huge indoor play tent/tunnel thing with balls, and they have played in it EVERY day. We have also resorted to riding boxes down the stairs (when I say "we" I mean "them") I was wondering how long it would take them to figure out that a box is much more fast and much more fun. PJ's have become the normal wardrobe around here. They are comfy, warm, and it saves on laundry. Also, we have been doing lots of puzzles, coloring, painting, and any other crafty thing that I can think of.

Thus far, we are flu free. I have to admit that I was sort of hoping that we could get the flu, and get over it before Jack got here. It's going around like crazy right now. I remember Ben getting it after he was born. In fact we all got it, and it wasn't too bad for Ben. I just nursed him right through it and he was good. Christian was pitiful and Aaron and I were wiped out. Maybe we can get through the season without it.

All in all, we are anxious for warmer weather. I would be happy with 45 degrees. We can bundle up and play easily in those temperatures. I have a Doctors appointment tomorrow. Maybe I will be really dilated and in no shape to drive myself back home. This is the longest that I have ever carried a baby and I just can't imagine how those that go past their due date must feel. Honestly, I don't really want to experience that first hand. Most of the Doctors now a days won't let you go over anyways, no worries. Hmmmm.....I could try riding a box down the stairs......just a thought.


littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

ooohhh, so good catching up with these posts. I MUST see more pics of the finished room upstairs!! please please!! What is the due date? can't wait for your new little guy to get here, i bet you can't either.

Amber's Thoughts said...

I will give you pictures of their room when you give me pictures of your new home. :) Their room is pretty unimpressive at the moment anyway....honest.

littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

ummm, pictures, pictures, pictures....can't wait to see jacky boy....may i call him jacky boy. I know aaron won't like it, but he won't really know.