Finally, he has arrived - January 26th at 12:13pm. Weighing in at 8lbs. and 5oz. As far as we can tell about his personality at this point he is perfect. The first two nights in the hospital he were a little rough but once Mommy's milk came in he has been as happy as can be.
The boys adore him. Christian more so than Ben, which was to be expected. We are trying to teach them not get so close to his face, but of course all they see is Aaron and I all in his face showering him with kisses. Christian has already learned about his soft spot and knows not to touch it. They have been bringing him toys and pictures that they have drawn to show him and explain their significance. Jack can't really acknowledge any of this but they don't seem to mind that.
He has absolutely no jondus, what a relief. Both of our first two did, and I found it a little stressful, although it's normal. Another concern was his blood sugar. Since I had gestational diabetes we half expected some issues, but he was just perfect. A prayer answered. Everything about him checked out perfectly. (Have you noticed how much i have exhausted the word perfect in describing him?) It was such a different experience than with Ben who came out with complications from the get go. Unfortunately I did have to have a C-Section, but it was much smoother than the last. I was able to have more immediate time with him and got to hold him as soon as I was in recovery. Again, not what I was expecting. I have found the pain from surgery to be more difficult to handle this go around. The nurses told me that that was normal since there was previous scar tissue and a bigger baby to get out of there. All in all everything went smoothly and we are home now trying to find our new groove with three boys. God is so good, and I am incredibly grateful that He continually takes care of us, and partly ashamed that I ever doubted.
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