So everyone has been asking "How are the boys adjusting to the new baby?" Well, here is my answer: surprisingly well. I truly was nervous about Ben. He has always been the baby and now there was a new baby. Of course we have been really playing up the big brother stuff, and he has been great. Now Christian has had some troubles. Don't get me wrong, he loves his little brother dearly, but with his arrival has found a new sense of Big Brotherness, Responsibility, and Authority. It hasn't been going over so well with Ben or myself, but we are working on it. Christian is such a great big brother and as most older siblings are...bossy. He is very responsible for a 4 year old and it has been nice to see him fall into this leadership role. We are just working on the execution of his part as big brother. I think they are enjoying Jack. Both boys still like to hug and kiss him, so no complaints there. That is much better than the alternative. :)
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