Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Monday, October 11, 2010

It's a Boy

We are having another little boy, oh my! He is really a cutie. We got to see the "4D" pictures and can already tell he favors Ben. It's hard to guess what he will be like. I feel like Christian and Ben are SOOO different in personality and appearance-this one is a wild card. The boys are excited. Christian has felt him kick and is puzzled at why his new baby brother kicks Mommy. He is much more active than either of his older brothers at this point. We are having a terrible time choosing a name. Three boy names are tough! We are open to suggestions if you have any. (No Dad, we aren't going to name him "Gator")

I will scan in the ultra sound pictures at a later date for all to see.


littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

hoooooooooooooray a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was just dying to know. with you being so sick i thought it could be a girl. Well, aaron better gear up, cuz you're gonna have to try for baby #4 then (he he). jennifer