Biscuit, that's his name for now. We don't have a name for our newest addition, but Poppy and the boys seem to think he is a "Biscuit." It works. I found myself telling Aaron the other day that "I bought a nice warm hat for Biscuit at Old Navy." biscuit...cute
Pickles. Very generic, right? My first pregnancy of craving pickles. I also LOVE double cheeseburgers from McDonalds. Even more strange, because I am definitely not a fan of fast food. Since we are on the subject of high cholesterol and saturated fat, I have also been loving Chick Fil A waffle fries with MAYONNAISE!!!! Gross, I know, but it's just soooo good. (Natalie, I just know you are gagging at the thought of this) Yes, I have been gaining a little more weight than usual. Big surprise there. I have a dusty treadmill in my basement. I'm sure I will use it soon, maybe. Okay, probably not. In my defense, I have a contraction every time I exert energy. I have read that this is normal for a women with multiple pregnancies and I have discussed it with my Doc. Surprisingly, she didn't have a heart attach and assured me that it was normal as long as I don't have too many in an hour and as long as they are consistent with "over doing it."
SO, many people have been asking me how I feel and I just know to describe myself as "heavy." I just feel heavy. It's a little awkward to move in certain positions and Biscuit is incredibly active. Much more active than even Ben. It amazes me that I don't pee on myself at times when he give me a swift kick to the bladder. He seems so much lower than normal, and sort of towards my back. He still isn't easy to feel on the outside just yet.
I am nervous about delivery this time around. Christian was a breeze, but Ben proved that there is always a possibility of complications. I think what makes me most nervous is the 1 HOUR drive to the hospital! I have made Aaron promise me to research how to deliver a baby on the side of the road if necessary. It seems like I remember something tricky about cutting the umbilical cord.... He promises, with a dreaded look, that he will be prepared.
I will continue to keep posting the progress, my hormonal silliness, and everything else. Please pray that God will calm me down. I am so nervous about it all......
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phil 4:6
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
yes, gag! You are such a funny prego lady :) Are you gasping as much as you did with Christian? That is the thing I remember most-
me: "hey Amber, I think you're out of milk"
you: "hhhhhhhhhhhuu! What!? No MILK!???
you crack me up, friend! keep telling your funnies!
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