Happy Anniversary Sweetie! Let me go ahead and share with you guys how Aaron proposed to me. It was my graduation trip, on a cruise, at dinner, and seriously the biggest surprise of my life. We were at the "formal" dinner and Aaron had excused himself from the table acting like he didn't feel well. Which was completely believable because the poor guy had some sort of sun poisoning from the previous days. So he's taking forever wherever he went and I am sitting there around a table with a lot of my friends chit chatting. Next thing I know our song, "Cross My Heart" by George Strait, starts playing over the loud speakers during dinner. Then, Aaron comes walking up the steps toward our table, singing it to me. There were about 300 people in the dining room, and I promise you could hear a pin drop. The entire place went quiet and everyone was staring at HIM singing to ME, getting down on his knees, and asking ME TO MARRY HIM IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE! Ahh! I thought I would explode! After saying yes, everyone cheered and most of the women were crying. People I didn't even know came up to us during the trip and told him that if I would have said no, that they would say yes. What nerve. Back off ladies, he is MINE! So there you have it. Six years and two children later I am still head over heels for this man.
I had tears just reading it. It is so sweet that ya'll love each other so much.
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