My Mom swept me off my tired feet and took me to the beach. She treated me to a FREEEEEE stay at a hotel on the beach AND a Spa Day, plus food and some AMAZING Cole Haan shoes. We stayed here and went to this spa. I'm posting the links because I didn't take pictures of them. It was really a huge treat. I've never been to a spa before so Mom made sure that we got our massages in the same room so I wouldn't be nervous if they decide to do something weird. Words cannot describe how good it felt to wind down, and let that women work all the stress out of my body. Oh, and my face was REALLY swollen when she finished. Something about toxins being released. That part was kinda strange. We soaked in the hot tub before our massage and did the steam room afterward (which was super hot) to get the full effect of the luxuries. We ate at some really amazing restaurants. Our favorites consisted of The Marlin Grill, Wild Olives, and Cafe 30-A. It was fun to order different entrees and share. One day we spent 6hrs. shopping! 6 hrs!!!! Now try doing that with two toddlers and a husband! I haven't went shopping that long in....well, never! It was great to just spend time with Mom. Just the two of us. Without distractions of the everyday. She needed a getaway as well. She has a hectic work and travel schedule. Alright! I'm done gushing about it all! Just writing this entry has got me smiling from ear to ear. So while she and I did this, my very sweet Dad volunteered to keep the kids Thursday-by himself, all day long while Aaron worked. Now keep in mind this is the same guys that can't handle changing a poop diaper. Actually, I don't think he has changed a poop diaper in all his life. He assured me that he had no problem taking Ben outside and squirting him down with the water hose if need be. Oh, can you just picture it! When the time came he suffered through it, and didn't break out the hose (thanks Dad, and I know Ben thanks you too). Friday was better for him. Aaron was there to help. It's so cute to think of those two playing house together. A few things happened while the women were away: the dishwasher broke, the grill broke, my Dyson broke, the lawnmower was fixed, and the ventilation fan that never worked before has decided to start working, and it sounds like a helicopter is about to land while your doing your business - not cool. I was impressed at how tidy the house was upon our return, but was informed that it had only just been picked up because Dad broke one of Christians toy frogs that was full of a trillion tiny little beads that are now scatted about the house in every crack and crevice. They has to pick up so they could vacuum. No complaints here, though. I'm thrilled they vacuumed, and they were willing to play house while the women were away. Mom, Thank-You for spoiling me absolutely rotten (it sure is sweet to be the only child). Dad, thanks for playing my part for a few days and changing a poop diaper. Aaron, thanks for letting me do this with Mom and not complaining a single ounce. I love you all! So............um...........when can we do it again?