I just wanted to recognize the Lord and his goodness. He takes care of his children and I am so thankful. Once again, I found myself asking God for helpers. He sent my Mom this time.
I have been feeling so rotten with this pregnancy and totally drained of energy. Mom took 3 days from her hectic schedule and drove down to help me with the children. Before she got here I told her the house was clean and the laundry was pretty much caught up. She laughed at my laundry when she looked at it. Her claim was that I had about 6 loads or so. To me, that's caught up. I have two laundry sorters that were full, and no piles on the floor. I thought that was great. My definition of "behind" is when the sorters are overflowing, the laundry shoot is full, and I have at least 3 clean loads sitting on my dresser waiting to be folded, and probably need to be rewashed. She entertained the kids, kept their nap schedule in line, cooked diner/lunch, and even man-handled our huge dog, Abe. (Such a bad dog.)
Here I sit, my laundry is completely finished, my house is somehow cleaner than before, and I feel like a load has been lifted. Thank you Lord, and thank you Mom. I feel like throwing up, but life is good.
I know I'm grumpy, and snappy. I feel sorry that Aaron and the children get the bulk of that. Mom saw a little bit of it too. My patience is so worn. I hope to feel better in the upcoming weeks. At some point things will turn around. I find that I am nicer when I get in the Word and continually pray throughout my day. I have to remember to find my joy in the Lord and lean on Him for strength, encouragement, and most of all, PATIENCE!!!! Oh, that patience....it is so hard sometimes.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago