Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Monday, April 12, 2010

Poor Little Guy

This is Christian's 3rd blow to the head. I forgot to blog about the first two.

Blow #1; he and Daddy's were playing "Ninja" and Christian fell and punctured his head on the carved wood on our headboard. We didn't want to overreact to we asked out neighbor who is the fire chief, and give us his opinion on it. He felt like it would be okay as long as we could get it to stop bleeding. (Christian thought it
was really cool that a fire fighter was looking at his head)

Blow # 2; he and Ben were playing guns and he ran around the corner and smacked his head into the chair rail in the dining room. We didn't need a second opinion on that one. We hauled him up to the hospital pretty quick. The doctor put some glue on it, and we headed home. About 1 week ago his hair had finally grown out enough for us to cut the glue out which brings us to blow #3.

Blow #3; this event is a little foggy. Christian claims that Ben "pushed him" and that very well may be true, BUT I think they were wrestling in the dining room and in the midst of that (maybe a gentle nudge from the little brother) he fell and hit his head on the corner of the (wood) stairs. After his last unpleasant trip to the hospital he was convincing me that "it's not bad, Mommy" as his head is dripping blood. I cleaned it up to get a better look and it wasn't that bad. I gave him two options. Either Mommy and Daddy can clean it up, which may hurt a little bit, or we can take you to the Doctor and let him clean it up. He was eager for us to take care of it. We used the liquid band-aid and Christian was extremely cooperative. It still wanting to bleed just a bit, so we bandaged it up before bedtime. We didn't have any medical tape so the big blue stripe around his head is painters tape. It worked pretty good. Christian was being very cautious with how he laid his head on the pillow. Mostly because Aaron told him that if it came off during the night then we may need to take him to the doctor. I'll keep you posted on the healing process. I really hope we don't have to go to the doctor again. He was freaking out the entire time we were there last time.