Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I'm sad to say that I do not have a single picture to show for Thanksgiving. There were some complications with my "old" memory chip for my camera, and so all of the pictures (and believe you me, there was a ton) are erased. Never to be seen again. It's a real big bummer and pretty darn irritating. I suppose it could have been worse. My sister-in-law's computer totally crashed and she lost every single picture ever taken of her children-their entire lives on camera, gone. Ugh. That is just so frustrating. I'm sorry about that Kari. Hopefully the rest of us can contribute any pictures we have of your little guys to you so at least you

Anyways, Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We spent the day over at Momma Beth and Big Poppas house. Family drove in from all over, and we had a blast. That weekend we joined up with my Mom and Dad, ate some more, and also had a good time.