Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, January 3, 2009

1 Year Well Baby Check-Up

Oh boy. Tinker had to do the one year thing at the pediatrician's office. It was insane. We waited for about 45 minutes before he was called back, then another 15 minutes before he was seen. It felt like an eternity with both children whining, bored, hungry, tired... I am a little bit of what some might call a "germaphobe." The doctors office is a breading ground for germs and sickness. I was trying to seem calm in keeping the kids from touching anything, but was quite freaked out on the inside. Surely I'm not the only Mom that feels this way. Here are some pictures Monkey took in the waiting room. I gave him my camera in desperation to keep him calm. To my surprise he was actually getting his toys out of the diaper bag, placing them on the infested floor, and then taking their picture. I was impressed that he comprehended how it all worked. I've never shown him how to do that. Here are some shots from my little photographer...

Tinker's check up went well. He is still a very small baby, obviously. The doctor is not worried. He is still gaining weight and all that good stuff. He eats more than any baby I have ever seen. Not exagerating. He can really put away some food. It is suprising how he maintains that slim little figure.