Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Monday, May 5, 2014

End of the Year School Art/Music Show

 Christian's painting is in the middle. Please note that everything is in perfect proportion to follow suit with his personality. All of this child's artwork is symmetrical and as perfect as possible. I think he's got talent. Maybe I can teach him to relax a little.
Christian is making sure that he is doing the correct gestures. Love him!
 Ben is so far back you can barely make him out. Top row, next to the girl with black hair and white balls in her hair???
 Again, I think my children are talented. Check out the other kids. I mean, come on! We've got this whole art thing down pat! I'm guessing Ben was itching to get really crazy with this painting and wasn't allowed. This is the most basic piece I've ever seen him do.

As the end of the year is approaching, I am filled with all types of emotions. As a previous home schooler, this was a unique experience. I was disconnected with my children for 7hrs a day for about 10 months....weird. Very weird. To be perfectly honest, some days it was great to have some relief, and other days my heart ached to be with them. I'm glad we did it. I truly am. It was a good experience for them and me.  The grass always seems greener on the other side and now that I have seen both sides I will say that homeschooling is better suited for our family.

Ben made all A's through out the year and Christian made all A's and B's. Both boys enjoyed it mostly.  It was a breeze for Ben. On the other hand, Christian had to work hard to make those grades and we spent HOURS on homework every night. It usually ended in tears for both of us. Christian does NOT like to read. I'm hoping throughout the summer I can saturate him with books that HE finds interesting and perhaps take 15 min. a day to read them. My hope is that when the 15 min is up, he will be disappointed and request longer reading times. Oh please Lord, let this become a reality. We feel like there is a struggle there for a reason but it's hard to pinpoint. We have had some evaluations done but it's hard at this age to recognize anything definite.

A few things that stuck out to me:

*I would get minimum information about how their day went or what they did.
*They never pooped at school so it was a rush to get home to use the bathroom. Gross, I know.
*They sort of smelt like a sweaty sneaker at the end of the day.
*Rarely ate the school lunch and was eager for after school snacks.
*I struggled to get up and get it all together to get them there on time (NOT A MORNING PERSON). Waiting to be summoned to truancy court...
*They picked up some funny gestures and would talk about Justin Bebber (Beiber) or other trendy conversation. Oftentimes they would communicate it incorrectly, but it was cute.
*Christian went to the school nurse frequently due to bleeding knees after recess.
*I found that Christian was especially good at trying to befriend the "un-friendable" He would tell me about these children and how he is trying to include them in games and conversation. He has a heart for them and it is truly precious. 
*Ben has received his 1st love letter and a girl's phone number. Many girls have asked to be his girlfriend. (Aaron had to talk me out of calling the girls mother to inform her that her daughter is giving her number out - Hey! I would want to know!) I told Ben he could call her when he was 18, and he is very excited about turning 18 now...sheesh.

So, now I have 1 going into 1st grade, 1 going into 2nd grade, 1 in preschool, and 1 in diapers.  It's a hectic and sometimes overwhelming time. I'm constantly trying to figure out ways to be less busy and create more family time. To pause and enjoy. I'm going to miss this.