Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Coolest Cast on the Planet

Thanks Daddy for making this a little easier on him. He wears his Spider man costume almost every day and its pretty much falling apart. Dad drew Spider man on his cast since his costume is so hard to get on and off. He is getting a little annoyed with it these days. It hasn't started itching yet but he misses the rough play, bike riding, tree climbing, swimming kind of days. Only 2 more weeks to go!  Oh, I may have forgotten to mention that he broke his arm on the trampoline. He didn't fall off, but fell on it. He just landed on it wrong. Poor guy. He loves the attention it gets him. It has even saved him from a few public spanks. How could I spank my 3 year old with a broke arm and risk someone seeing???  D.H.R. would be at my doorstep before I got home.