Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Ball 2012

Baseball again.  After the first game, they were done. Ha!  Every year they really really want to play but then lose interest quickly.  Christian says "Mom, I know I have to play until the season ends, but after that I don't want to play anymore."  That is perfectly fine with me, but I know he will change his mind once spring rolls around.  Christian has been playing pitcher this year and it has been excited and different too.  He has really stepped it up and performed well. He enjoys being in the middle of it all, but the pressure is a little much.  If he makes any error he hears the "Ughhh" from the stands.  That's really hard for him I think.  Its hard for me too.  There have been times I've wanted to turn around and slap somebody.  Momma Lion is in there, crouching and ready to pounce.  There is a lot of pressure on these kids to perform.  They are so young and do so well for their age. Ben is catcher this year and is as cute as a button.  He is still as carefree as ever.  We have been letting him use his "special" wooden bat and he's hit quite a few!  We are equally proud of both boys and are enjoying the crisp air during the games.