I love how Christian placed a piece of chalk on each rock (in the background) in various colors so that there would be absolute clarity for Ben during this project. Christian took charge, and didn't want to leave any room for error. Just a side note: Ben colored them exactly the way he wanted to, and it caused some serious conflict that day.

Every little boy needs a slingshot. The boys love these and have been gradually improving their skills. Of course, with slingshots, come rules; 1. Don't aim it at the house. 2. Shoot it from this point back. 3. Never point it at a person/dog. 4. Squirrels and birds are fair game, but not if they are near a house.
I wanted to take their picture pulling it back, but to my surprise Ben actually had a rock in his as I placed myself in front of him with full trust and made sure that my very expensive camera was squared up with him just so......right after I took the picture he released the tension and I was taken by surprise to find a rock meet the side of my head at an alarmingly high velocity. Ouch. The first thing that came to my mind was unfortunately far from Godly, but I just gasped and tried to just bite my tongue. Needless to say, that little boys got a stern conversation and had to put his slingshot up for the rest of the day.
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