Jack is looking at Daddy - probably wants to give him a kiss!

Smile for the camera!
-Coming out of a trot, trying to get him to stop. Apparently, I'm too gentle. Erika told me I could have pulled back a lot more....it's been a while. I had forgotten how incredibly tall a horse was when you are looking down from atop his back, and I didn't want to do anything to tick him off. Falling hurts more than it use to. I could hear the Doc. telling Aaron "so why did you let her _______ (fill in the blank)"

and that's how the pros do it! :)
This week I am teaching the boys about the letter "H" to go right along with horse, obedience, and how we should obey God. They got super super excited when I told them that we were going to Erika's house to feed her horses carrots. Quickly, they started to raid the fridge for other yummy treats. Not willing to give up my apples, we just stuck to carrots. A couple of things to mention here ---- They are WAAAYYYY to comfortable around horses. Black Heart, the white horse, is perfectly calm and doesn't mind them in the least bit, so glad for that. They were walking under him, behind him, playing with his tail, walking in front of him (while he was moving), the list just goes on! If it were any other horse than they could have gotten seriously hurt. Trying to handle the baby, stroller, camera, diaper bag, and keep the boys from getting hurt was a little much. We had fun, but I think we will definitely have a long talk in preparation of rules/dangers before walking back into the horse pasture. Reflecting back on the day, I believe I would have preferred for them to have been terrified of horses.