Christian is a worker. "Mommy, do you have a job for me?" He asks me this about 968 times a day. He is always happy to work, and happy to help. I can count on him to stay on task until his job is complete. Once he vacuumed the office for me and I noticed he was taking the time to do the baseboards, window sills, and under the computer table. Man, I was super impressed. Naturally outside work is his favorite. He like to use his strength and pick up heavy rocks and moves them from one place to another. Right now he and Ben are helping Daddy build a chicken coop - lots of hammering and nails and heavy lifting, right up his alley! I can easily see him turning into a work-a-holic.
Ben is more like me. He works hard for about 5 minutes and then looses interest, or notices an airplane flying by and the next thing you know he has stopped working and is playing airplane, then stumbles over something, gets hurt, goes inside and starts to color, but only for a minute because then he remembers that Christian worked on building a tower of blocks in the other room and Big brother is nowhere is site so he quickly morphs into Ben the get my drift. He does have a hard time being still and focused. I hope he grows out of this, I don't think I ever did. Have you ever read "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" - it's very Ben.
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