I am overhearing a conversation that Christian is having with Ben. It goes a little something like this;
(The scenario: Ben finds a cool toy to play with and Christian decides he wants to play with it. This is usually followed with Christian trying to take the toy, Ben crying, and Christian desperately trying to calm him down before he gets in trouble for making his brother cry and taking his toy. This time, he used a different tactic, Jesus...clever, but it didn't work.)
I am overhearing this from the other room.Ben: (crying)
Christian: (desperation in his voice) Ben, Ben, Ben. Ben, listen, Ben. Ben, do you remember what Jesus says. Ben?
Ben: (still crying)
Christian: Ben, Jesus says to share, Ben. Ben?!! Do you remember?!!!
Ben: (still crying)
Christian: (louder) Ben, it's my turn to play with that!! I want to play with that!! Do you remember Jesus!!!! Ben!!! (...and he lost it)
At that point I had to intervene. Christian was getting a little too heated and Ben wasn't listening to anything he had to say.
Hmmm, this is tricky stuff. Yes, we should share. No, you shouldn't take from others. Yes, you can play with that toy. No, you have to wait until your brother is finished. No, you can't pressure him into sharing just because you decided you wanted it. Yes, we should share our possessions. Yes, we should give to others, but.....oh my. Tricky stuff.