Christian: Mom, I have an idea.
Me: What's your idea, Christian?
Christian: Me, and Bim, and Mommy, and Daddy, and Lulu, and Mr. David...go a tent out of ride tractors.
Me: Hmmmm, well that sound like fun, man.
Christian: Yep. (nods his head) (and then he says it all over again)
Chrisitan: Mom, you make lunch, okay?
Me: I'm making dinner, sweetie. You've already had lunch today.
Christian: You making Pizza?
Me: No, I'm going to make Chicken Pot Pie.
Christian: Mmmmm, I love pie, Mommy. Mmmmm, that yummy. I love pie.
Me: It's not the same pie you are thinking of. This pie has chicken and vegetables in it.
Chrsitain: Hmm, I live Chicken Pie, Mommy. Thank you for making pie, Mommy.
Mommy, thank-you for taking me to the sign shop today.
(I ALWAYS take him with me to the sign shop-this is nothing new)
Me: Your welcome, sweetie.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
This is sweet. He is a very thoughtful little boy. I can't wait for talking!!!
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