We found this feline in our basement. It found its way in and couldn't get out. It woke me up one morning just HOWLING away. For those of you that don't know, I really DO NOT like cats! For some strange reason my heart went out to this one, despite the fact it woke me up out of my morning time comma. So...I cracked open a can of tuna and some milk, set it outside, and said GOOD BYE! Five seconds later, it was howling again at the door (I knew I shouldn't have been so nice to it). Anyways, long story short, I found it's rightful owner and hopefully will never see it again. Tinker on the other hand was obviously loving this little creature. He carefully watched its every move. Hmmm...maybe I can talk Daddy into getting a puppy for him instead.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago
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