Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cousin Bryson's Magical Birthday Party

Bryson had a really great 5th Birthday Party. Our Family Magician was there, Mort the Mystifying and Donna- this is their website. I believe that he is a second cousin to Super Daddy...I think. Anyways, it was a great show and the kids really liked it. At the end of the party we took some pictures of the kids/adults with a rabbit on their laps and a chicken carefully balancing on their heads. Donna, the assistant swiftly caught "chicken poop" from landing in Aunt Kari's hair. It was a close one, and truly hilarious too if I may add.

Birthday Boy Bryson, not too sure...

Aunt Kari & Uncle Josh

Monkey hated the chicken, but LOVED the rabbit.
This hysterical look on his face was right after we tried
putting Scarlett (the chicken) on his head. Yikes!