We went to the State Park today so that Super Daddy could compete in a bow shoot.
He really enjoys it. Do you guys know what a "Long Bow" is? Let me put it this way; no
sites, just a stick and some string. I like to tease him and call him "Robin Hood."
Anyways, it was fun. His Sister, her Husband, and their children joined us. There was
this really cool hollowed out tree. Monkey wouldn't dare stand in it for a picture, but
his cousins were brave. Also, this old crumbley brick furnace that you see was pretty cool.
We have no idea what it was for. For some reason there wasn't any kind of informative sign near by. There was also a cowboy shoot. I got rep remanded by one of them for going
too close for a picture, oops.

sites, just a stick and some string. I like to tease him and call him "Robin Hood."
Anyways, it was fun. His Sister, her Husband, and their children joined us. There was
this really cool hollowed out tree. Monkey wouldn't dare stand in it for a picture, but
his cousins were brave. Also, this old crumbley brick furnace that you see was pretty cool.
We have no idea what it was for. For some reason there wasn't any kind of informative sign near by. There was also a cowboy shoot. I got rep remanded by one of them for going
too close for a picture, oops.

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