Man! I just love these little guys! Yes, I am one of those Mom's that think that I have the absolute most beautiful, wonderful, darling children in the whole world! I know that all of you Mommies out there think the same about your little munchkins too! This was yesterday, in our yard. Monkey just loves to pick the apples from our apple tree. He insists on having one every time we go outside. (They are some type of a Gala apple...maybe. They don't make very good pies/applesauce, but they are great for mucnhing on.) I was so proud that he was willing to actually share with his little brother. That is definitely a change. He is really getting very stingy and selfish. (It's funny that I can follow up talking about how darling they are with how stingy and selfish they can be too! Ha!) I really work hard on trying to get him to be kind and giving. It's a catch 22. I want him to stick up for himself when others try to take things away, but I want him to share as well. Poor kid. You know it's got to be confusing sometimes.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago