Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I am going to share some of the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I admire a photographer.  Especially a child photographer.  They are truly worth every penny.  Somehow I am missing the mark and our amateur photo shoots end up leaving everyone in the family stressed out. (Hoping I'm not alone here) Well, maybe just me that is wound up. The kids don't really seem to care either way. On the outside I'm all "Oh, just be comfortable" "No need to get upset" "Just smile like your eating ice cream" "Oh, that's a great idea" BUT on the inside I am screaming "For crying out loud! Could you just be still and look happy!" Stressful. Very. Very. Stressful. I'm not cut out for it.
Quick picture before we left for Church
 and I say "Hey boys, could you stand in front of this door so I can take a quick pic" (to check the lighting) Do you see the look on their faces? Grumpy little booger butts.

 This one if my favorite.  Them, in the raw.

 Looking for trouble
 I took this JUST after Jack had thrown a big rock and hit Ben in the back of the head. Ouch.

 I have NEVER seen him make this face.  What does it mean?


Nicole said...

In my mind I have it all planned out but in reality our pictures never go smoothly!!! I feel like I have the threaten them just to get them to look at the camera! ha