Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Monday, March 11, 2013


Jack loves Daddy's truck. It's rusty, dirty, and can not be harmed.  Climbing around in it gets him all sorts or excited.  He was particularly frisky this morning.  Perhaps the warmth of the sun after so many cold days was the culprit?

Quick Jack update:
He still makes us all laugh, however he has starting making his older brothers cry.  He is one tough cookie and is a force to be reckoned with. Big brothers are learning not to take what is his without painful repercussion.  It normally consists of a strong whack in the head with an object within his short arms reach. He possesses a tough exterior and sometimes I forget he is a baby. His fits have intensified and they really put a strain on us all when they occur.  I don't recall the same level of intensity from the other two boys, but my memories could be skewed to dwell on the sweet and good.  His hair is the very same color as Christian's at that age, but its thin like Ben's.  I haven't cut his hair yet.  His favorite play item is still a ball of some sort, and he really likes to eat.  He is skilled at maneuvering around baby proofed items.  He can open doors easily so I have to keep all the exterior doors dead bolted. There have been a few occasions that he has slipped outside for playtime unbeknownst to me. His vocabulary has expanded, although it's still slurred.  We are sometimes caught off guard by his cleverness. This little man is a survivor and I don't foresee him causing us much worry.  He takes care of himself and he has a strong spirit about him.  We feel blessed that he is ours and excited that we have been able to watch him grow and change.