Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Monday, February 13, 2012


I am posting this picture to show you, Erika, that my camera is smartest in "AUTO", not "P" mode. See how yucky this picture is???

I am married to a 30 year old man!!!! Bahahaha! Don't you remember back in high school, you would look at a 30 year old man and think, "Man, he is old!" Crazy!

I sure do love my 30 year old man so very much! He is really hard to pull tricks or surprises on, but we did it! Yes, that old man got a surprise party in his home town. Yes, that old man WAS surprised! Yes, that old man will try to say that he "kinda knew" we would do that, but that is a lie! We got you got you got you!!!! I love you honey! You are awesome!