This is what we can say about Jack thus far at 6 months;
he is happy 99.9% of the time
loves to give sloppy open mouth kisses (they're the best)
ticklish in most places
sleeps through the night (we didn't even have to try)
95% or so in weight and height
likes to be read to, but is most interested in eating the pages
almost always has a thumb and/or fingers in his mouth
laughs the hardest when his brothers are being silly
no teethe yet
loves the boob
eats his baby food like a champ
rolls over until he reaches his destination
sits up well
likes to be on his tummy
would rather sleep on his tummy
likes women more than men
spits up more than his brothers did
gives hugs
very talkative
Just an all around love able guy, and to think that I wanted a girl. I wouldn't trade him for 10 girls! I know I keep saying it, but what a relief to have such a great 3rd baby. He is awesome and we are all in love with him.