Ya ever get boogers
Way up in your nose?
And they won't come out
Tho you blows and you blows.
What do you do?
I haven't a clue
Cuz boogers like that
Are tougher than glue!
You might grow your nails
And use them as a pick,
Cuz boogers like nails
And to them they will stick!
And now that that booger
Is stuck on your hand,
Would you mind telling me,
What is your plan??
P.S. I'll end this poem
Cuz it's time to go.
Think I'll try
Once more to blow!!!
Written by Christian and Bens' Great Grandmother - LuLu. LuLu was a preschool teacher for years, perhaps that's what inspired her to write this poem. I need to ask her. When I was a little girld she would recite this poem to me. It's always been one of my favorites.
2016 Running Recap
8 years ago