Our Sweet Little Boys

Our Sweet Little Boys

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just Looking for Trouble!!!!


Ask, and You Shall Receive


Mom, you said you wanted to see some recent pictures of the boys, so here you go!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Nap Time, or Play Time


It's a real struggle trying to get Ben to go to sleep. Whether it's for a nap or he is down for the night, we have to go through a series of "stern" talks a head of time, followed by spankings for not obeying... This literally happens EVERY DAY. Last night I asked Aaron if we should just stop trying. After 8 months, it's obviously not working. He brought up a good point, though. If we give up now, we will be defeated. He feels confident that eventually Ben will get tired of getting spankings. We aren't asking much out of this little guy, people. All we say is that he CAN NOT get out of bed after we put him there, and that he ABSOLUTELY CANNOT get any toys down off the shelve. He can lie there awake, talk to himself, pray, or even sing a song. Every single time he gets our of bed and gets a toy. Not just any toy, but a loud toy that you can here going off from the other end of the house. I truly admire his determination. Definitely a strong willed child. I probably need to read The Strong Willed Child by James Dobson. I hear it's great...

So, I've said all that to set you up for this:

Ben during nap time:

The Wall Hit Me


Christian was limping down the hall this morning, and I asked him what had happened. He preceded to tell me his foot hurt. "Did you stub your toe," I asked (he does this often). He replied, "No, the wall hit me."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Love Bite?


I THINK NOT!!! What you are looking at here is a picture of Christian's back and a sweet little "I love my big brother to death" bite from Ben. They were fighting over a toy, Ben got mad at Christian, and....well...you see what happened. This is actually 12 hrs after it happened, and it's still looking pretty bad.

They really do love each other, though. Honest.

One more note to add: notice all the little hair on Christian's back. He He!! When he asks me why I call him "Monkey" I tell him that it's because of all the monkey hair on his back. He usually gets frustrated with me and tells me that he DOESN'T HAVE MONKEY HAIR ON HIS BACK, but as you all can see, he does. It's really cute. This picture doesn't do it justice, because his back is wet from the bath and it just looks gross. I think he won't have any trouble at all growing a beard when he is older.