What I am about to say has NOTHING to do with watermelon, but I can't just write something without putting pictures with it! :)
With boys you make trips to the emergency room. It's been a while since we've had to go. I suppose we were due for a good one. We were having dinner at a friends house whom has 3 boys of her own. All of those boys in one house makes for fun "stuff". They really were not acting terrible. In fact, we were all in the same room together, so they couldn't get away with much. Long story short; the mantle fell, and and there was lots of blood. If you have a weak stomach then stop reading now. Once Aaron pulled the mantle off Christian's head blood was SQUIRTING!!!! Yes, SQUIRTING out of the back of his head. Talk about sending panic through a Mommas body. What a bad feeling. His chin was split wide open as well. One emergency room trip later he has about 12 stitches in his chin and 6 staples in his head. No concussion, no trauma of any sort, just blood. Lots of blood. He was a real trooper, and I was extremely grateful!
Christian surprised me that night. Not because of his injury, but because of how mature he acted. He was calm at the hospital and I really would have expected him to freak out a good bit. Sometimes he catches me off guard when he gets in that "mode." He turns into a responsible young man in times of stress and chaos. Another surprise - Aaron promised him a toy after the hospital visit, and Christian was adamant about picking out a toy for Ben as well. How thoughtful.
I was just talking with my Mother-in-Law lately about how discouraged I was feeling. I felt like the boys just didn't get it-kindness most of all. She was encouraging and told me to hang in there. The fruits of my labor were revealed to me that night of Christian's injury. Kindness - He chose a remote control car for the both of them. He could have taken care of himself and what he wanted but he thought of Ben. How sweet. (That isn't normally the scenario between these young brothers.) Thank you Lord, for showing me that, and thank you for my Mother-In-Law and for her encouraging words. Thank you for protecting Christian, it could have been so much worse.